Tag: dangerous government

Judge acquits Hutaree militia members of conspiracy charges

Judge acquits Hutaree militia members of conspiracy charges We have posted about this incident in the past because it is important to understand what our government is doing.  We have also questioned the evidence in this case.  The judge obviously saw there was not enough evidence and dismissed the charges.  David Stone Jr. and his son plead guilty to illegal weapons charges.  We are looking into the details of those charges. Here is the link to our past commentary on this case:  Interesting New Information About The Militia Raid In Michigan It is sad it took two years for this case to be adjudicated with some having to remain in custody during this process.  It is obvious that based on the dismissal, these weren’t the dangerous people the government claimed  they were.  They may be a bunch of goofy “Billy-Bob’s” talking trash, but that is not a crime. The larger point should be made here.  It seems that a pattern is developing.  The government  is very good at finding a bunch of “stupid” people to take the bait.  The idea seems to originate from an informant or agent of the government.  These “patsies” seem too stupid to see they are being…

Rock River Patriots Meeting This Friday March 23rd

The Rock River Patriots are having a meeting in Fort Atkinson this Friday March 23rd at 6pm in the community room at the Dwight Foster Library located at 209 Merchants Avenue. We have a lot of information to discuss including the past presentations on Agenda 21 and some unprecedented recent events.  This is should be a very informative meeting.  We hope to see you all there!

NC Man Convicted Of Making And Selling His Own Silver Coins

Here are the links: Defendant Convicted of Minting His Own Currency, Liberty Dollar creator convicted in federal court The Feds have called this an act of “domestic terrorism”.  This is outrageous! The man involved minted silver coins calling them “Liberty Dollars” as a hedge against inflation and a medium of exchange for people to use to buy or sell goods and services.  This was a  true form of exchange that would not lose its value like Federal Reserve Notes. A possible case could be made for counterfeiting because he made the coins too similar government minted coins, but DOMESTIC TERRORISM?  This again proves we have out of control federal government! On the idea of silver coins as a medium of exchange…In any deal both sides of the transaction know what the medium of exchange is and must agree.  If either the buyer or seller do not agree, then there is no sale.  Any number of things could be used as a medium of exchange from beans to band aides to a person’s manual labor.  As long as there is agreement on both sides of the transaction, the medium of exchange could be almost anything. Who is the victim in this…

Is The Patriot Act Now Being Used Against Real Patriots As We Have Feared?

The Rock River Patriots have long spoken out against the Patriot Act because it is a blantant violation of our civil rights.  We warned that the Patriot Act will be used against patriotic Americans who are Pro-Life, Support the 2nd Amendment, believe in fidelity to the Constitution, support Ron Paul, ect…This is based on the information written in the MIAC Report that cites those view as “extremist” and the people as “potential domestic terrorists.”  We maintain that this is not about protecting Americans, but about control.  If it were about security, we would have secured our borders long ago. This is a video of a man who says the Patriot Act has been used against him.  You be the judge. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foG-J2Tdg9o]


The Unconstitutional health care bill will likely be voted on by Christmas.  Here is the story from the LA Times: Senate Democrats get 60 votes to move healthcare bill along If this bill passes, it is time for all the conservatives groups to bring forward a class action law suit against this bill because it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!! Furthermore, the time is now for States to assert their 10th Amendment Sovereignty! Make no mistake about this bill…It is really not about health care reform, it is about control.  Look at the quote from the linked LA Times story: “This is a historic crossroads,” David Axelrod, senior Obama advisor, said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Seven presidents have tried to pass comprehensive health insurance reform, seven presidents have failed. We’re on the doorstep of getting it done.” Did you notice he said “health insurance reform” not “health care reform”.  A CHANGE IN LANGUAGE IS A CHANGE IN REALITY!!! The reason they use this language is because they know this bill is not about health care.  It is about health insurance.  This bill will actually reduce the level of care, lead to rationing, increase the cost of insurance to all Americans, and…

Can This Really Be Happening?

Can this really be happening?  I don’t know if this is true, but…Watch this video, read the associated article, and do some research into all this.  Make up your own mind, and act accordingly. Obama Orders 1 Million US Troops to Prepare for Civil War [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgMoNPZcSvA&feature=player_embedded]

Time To Pull Out Of The UN – Our 2nd Amendment In Danger

This is why we need to be vigilant and not allow the globalists to be in power.  We should pull out of the UN and send them all packing out of New York City.  This is their anti-gun agenda: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni9qyB1pPS8] Don’t allow the Senate to ratify any UN gun treaty! Call and tell them “NO!”  If they violate our Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms, I predict that there will be civil war in America.  No freedom loving American will turn in their guns because of a UN Treaty.  As Charlton Heston said so gracefully, “From my cold, dead hands!” Read this article: Chuck Baldwin — Is Obama Really Preparing For Civil War? Tell me…Is all this is being planned in anticipation of the fact that Obama will sign on to a UN anti-gun treaty and it will be ratified by the Senate?  It makes me wonder considering all that this administration is doing already.

Wisconsin: “Micro-stamping” and “Lost or Stolen” Legislation To Be Heard in Committee Next Week!‏

This is from a NRA Alert…MORE ANTI-GUN LEGISLATION! Wisconsin: “Micro-stamping” and “Lost or Stolen” Legislation To Be Heard in Committee next Week! Please Contact the Committee Members! On Tuesday, December 1 at 11:00 A.M., the Wisconsin State Senate Judiciary Committee will consider two anti-gun bills, Senate Bill 174 and Senate Bill 367.  Both of these bills would infringe on rights of law-abiding gun owners and have no impact on crime. SB 174 would require micro-stamping technology on all newly manufactured handguns sold in Wisconsin.  If passed, the bill would require newly sold handguns to micro-stamp a unique code onto the cartridge case upon firing.  This unproven technology will increase the cost of firearms, potentially putting them out of reach to some consumers. However, since no manufacturer currently sell a firearm capable of micro-stamping a cartridge case, it will effectively ban new handguns in Wisconsin. In addition, criminals could easily remove the microscopic codes from the firearm using using any number of commonly-owned household tools.  This dangerous legislation needs to be defeated. SB 367 would require gun-owners to report lost or stolen firearms within a 48-hour period or face fines and possible imprisonment. If passed, this legislation could turn law-abiding gun owners –who have already been victimized by theft–into criminals  for failing to report the loss of theft of a firearm within the…

Obama Stimulus Scam – A Call For An Investigation

Here is another example of why the Founding Fathers believed in limited Federal Government power.  There is wide spread fraud from the stimulus plan with money going to non-existent Congressional Districts, and inflated claims regarding job creation.  States can track things better because they are smaller entities. Here are links to a couple stories: Exclusive: Jobs ‘Saved or Created’ in Congressional Districts That Don’t Exist, 75,343 Bogus jobs ‘created or saved’ by the Stimulus The true question is where did all the money go?  This is a major scandal and requires a serious investigation.  Many of these claims come directly from the White House’s website.  It will be interesting to see how far up the food chain this goes, and if a true inquiry will even be made.  It is time to send the people responsible for this fraud on the American People to prison. This is why we don’t trust our government.  Stories about militia groups are popping up all across this country.  I think this is one of the many reasons why.