Tag: dangerous government

Alex Jones’: The Fall Of The Republic

This is Alex Jones’ new documentary The Fall Of The Republic.  You can continue watching the film on YouTube or go to www.infowars.com to buy or download the film.  If you believe in what is being shown, I encourage you to support this film and show it to everyone. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VebOTc-7shU]

Another Reason Light Rail Is A Bad Idea

The Dane County Board recently created a Regional Transit Authority (RTA) for the purpose of creating and operating a commuter rail line.  The arguments against this creation were obvious, but they did it anyway.  The Wisconsin 9/12 group and We The People Of The Republic were out in force trying to stop it, but the Dane County Board didn’t care. So what is the big deal?  This only will affect Dane County right?  Wrong!!!  The RTA will now seek to have other counties who “use” the rail lines included in the RTA, and be on the hook for a part of the cost.  That means another NEW TAX on all of us!  Tell all of your County Board Supervisors we do not want to be part of any RTA. On top of that sickening news, the feds are seeking to pass new laws for “safety oversight” of subways and light rail lines.  As with the rest of things done by the Federal Gov’t, now be prepared to see more bureaucracy, more mandates, more spending, and more waste.  Here is the link to the story:  Federal oversight of subways proposed

To Hell With Political Correctness!

In light of the Fort Hood massacre, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano warns against a anti-Muslin backlash?  Here is the story: Homeland chief warns against anti-Muslim backlash What is this world coming to?  We need to acknowledge the problem and call it as it is!  These ideologues continue to warn us about a backlash.  Tell that to the families of all the people that died as a result of this Islamic Terrorist. Based on the facts, the feds knew this terrorist tried to contact Al-Quaida, but thought that he wasn’t a threat?  This is another example of a incompetent big government.  When government  can’t even do the job it is mandated to do, what makes all those bleeding hearts think they can “solve” the rest of the problems like health care!

Obama Coming To J.C. Wright Middle School Nov. 4th

“Comrade” Obama will be in Madison at J.C. Wright Middle School in Madison (1717 Fish Hatchery Road, Madison, WI 53713) on November 4th to talk about indoctrinating…oops…I mean “educating” our kids.  No times have been listed as of yet. What is interesting is that this visit is closed to the public.  Only invited guests will be allowed in.  So much for transparency.  We can only hope that at least some of the parents voice their displeasure.  This is another example of their propaganda machine using “the children”. Maybe some of the loyal opposition can make it there to show our displeasure! Here is a link to the story: Obama Coming To Madison

Obama in Madison Nov. 4th

According to JSOnline, Obama will be in Madison November 4th.  No other details have been released…How convenient!  We will post the location as soon as we know more, in case anyone wants to let the president know what AstroTurf looks like!

Surprised? AFSCME Union Email Contains Saul Alinsky Quote

Below is an email from the AFSCME (aka: American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees / aka: AFL-CIO) Union to the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors that I obtained.   At the bottom, there is a quote from Saul Alinsky, author of the book “Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals“.  The email remains unedited except for the removal of the cell phone number of Mr. Moberly. Here is the quote from the email: “Always remember the first rule of power tactics; power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.” Saul Alinsky Saul Alinsky was a radical Communist/Marxist and Community Organizer.  “Rules for Radicals” is the play book of the modern left and the Obama Administration.  So the next time you hear from your local AFSCME Union, remember what they really stand for, and it is not the “American Dream” as we know it. AFSCME Email with Saul Alinsky quote

The Dollar…Going, Going, Gone?

For a long time, many of us have been screaming about the out of control spending and printing of money by our government.  Many have spoken out about the Federal Reserve System and called for America to return to currency system backed by something tangible like gold or silver.  It looks like this irresponsible behavior by our government is catching up with us.  Check out these videos: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7dH4e8HYFA&feature=player_embedded] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72_iyyE97fg]

Do The Feds Want Illegal Immigration?

Do the Feds want illegal immigration?  It sure seems that way.  Look what the Department of Homeland Security is doing to Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  Here is the link: Feds limit Ariz. sheriff’s crackdown on illegal immigrants

Call Your State Legislator In Opposition Of AB458 & SB324

I encourage you all to call your state legislator in opposition of AB458 and SB324, the Planned Parenthood Sex Education Bill.  Here is a link about the public hearing that took place today on this matter:  AB458 & SB324 Public Hearing. The first question we all need to ask ourselves is: Why is Planned Parenthood getting taxpayer money at all?  While abortion may be legal based on the decision in Roe vs. Wade, it is still very controversial.  Notwithstanding where the right to an abortion is listed in the Constitution and its Amendments, recent polling indicates an almost even split of people being PRO-LIFE vs. PRO-CHOICE.  Here is the link:  More Americans “Pro-Life” than “Pro-Choice”.  So why should half of the public support with their tax dollars beliefs they are opposed to? An even more fundamental question is why the government is giving away so many grants (our tax dollars) in the first place?  A case can be made to fund some scientific research, but that is where the line should be drawn.  However that is a debate for another day. There is the argument that the taxpayer dollars Planned Parenthood receives does not go to fund abortion.  The money…