Tag: dangerous government

Tammy Baldwin Listening Sessions Saturday September 26th in Beloit and Lake Mills

Tammy Baldwin is having two listening sessions on Saturday Sept. 26.  We need to make our presence known at both!  Tell as many people as you can! The first one is at 10:00am in Beloit at the Public Library.  Here is the link info about that event: Tammy Baldwin Beloit Listening Session The second is in Lake Mills at the Municipal Building at 1:30pm.  Here is the link for info about that event: Tammy Baldwin Lake Mills Listening Session Let’s all tell go and tell Tammy we don’t want government run health care or cap and trade! Just a reminder the Rock River Patriots meeting will be held on Friday September 25, 2009 at Kendall Packaging 707 N. Parkway Street in Jefferson.  The meeting starts at 6pm.

Light Rail In Jeffeson County? Say It Isn’t So!

This is why we need to remain vigilant!  Even though the referendum has been voted down, look at what they are up to in county government now. Look at the County Board Minutes in the Jefferson Daily Union on September 16, 2009.  In County Board Chairperson Sharon Schmeling’s report, she stated county government is supporting efforts to have a passenger rail line link Milwaukee, Watertown, and Madison. I spoke with Chairperson Schmeling about this matter.  She replied to me that she should have been clearer in her report.  Ms. Schmeling said it is the Economic Development Consortium that supports this, and not county government.  I advised her that the report should be corrected.  According to Ms. Schmeling, the Consortium supports this because of possibility that businesses could “piggy-back” on upgraded rail lines to move their products.  I replied that this is a short sighted view and makes no sense given the ENORMOUS cost to taxpayers.  Businesses can truck their goods where they need to go, or use existing rail lines.  It is not the job of the taxpayers to pay for anything and everything that will help a hand-full of  businesses. As most of you know, light rail is a…

A Change….To Communism?

Every day we see more of this “Change” the Obama administration is talking about.  I have been convinced for a long time this was never intended to be a change for the better, but a change to a totalitarian regime. This administration is spending like a drunken sailor (no offense to Navy personnel) and continues to print money like crazy.  If this continues, the net result will be a dollar that is worthless.  With a totally worthless currency, there will be a push for a new more “stable” currency.  The idea has already been floated about a new world currency.  Who will hand out this new currency? The government of course.  They can choose who gets what and how much. Then we have the attempts to control the health care system.  If they have their way, eventually they will control the care people receive.  As many have written, there will be two systems, a great one for the ruling elite and something miserable for the rest of us.  If you are a political opponent, I think you’d better stay away from the doctor’s office.  Who knows what will happen to you if you go.  And if there is malpractice?  Good…

Janesville TEA Party

Several of the Rock River Patriots attended the TEA Party this past Saturday…It was great to see so many motivated to take back our government.  Here is a link to the story from the Janesville Press Gazette : Janesville TEA Party

AB70 and SB44 – Tell Them To Vote NO!

From Wisconsin Gun Owners Website: Ignoring the wishes of grassroots gun owners, and doing the bidding of Sarah Brady, State Rep. Scott Gunderson is still pushing AB70, the bill to expand the National Instant Check System (NICS) in Wisconsin. Assembly Bill 70 and Senate Bill 44 would dangerously expand state-level back ground checks to include far-reach medical data. All it takes is one anti-gun government mental health crony to declare you “adjudicated mentally defective” and you lose your guns. Here is the Link:WGO regarding AB70 and SB44 This was my letter to the elected “representatives” proposing this bill and my representatives: I am a Deputy Sheriff and have been so employed for the past 8.5 yrs.  Being a law enforcement officer and tactics instructor, I understand the INTENTIONS proposing these bills (AB70 / SB44) in light of the Virginia Tech Massacre.  The shooter was mentally disturbed, and was still able to purchase several guns. HOWEVER, I am an American Patriot first and foremost.  These bills give the government too much power and access to records that must be kept private.  The potential for abuse far out weighs the need to protect the public interest.  While these incidents happen, they are…

Cash For Clunkers…Your Personal Data For The Government

Here is Glenn Beck talking about the Cash For Clunkers program and his discoveries.  It is shocking…And how many people will ignore this warning? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM30nqfasyU]