Here are the first several segments of our July 2010 vetting session with U.S. Senate Candidate Dave Westlake. The remainder of the video can be viewed on our YouTube channel: rockriverpatriots [youtube=] [youtube=] [youtube=] [youtube=]
The Washington County TEA Party – August 7, 2010
Joe The Plumber [youtube=] Pastor David King [youtube=] State Senator Glenn Grothman [youtube=]
The Federal Reserve Is Monetizing The Debt
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Here is the story: Judge declines to halt ad regulations We need to be vigilant and continue to keep an eye on this!
The usual suspects were at work at the Arizona Border Issues Symposium with Gary Mienert and are crying racism. Having heard Gary’s presentation several times before, it is anything but racist. It is a graphic reminder of how dangerous it is along the border on both the Mexican and American sides. This presentation shows why a secured border is needed. A handful of protesters were chanting outside the hall, disrupted the presentation, and failed to stay for the entire presentation when there was an opportunity to have their questions answered. Here is the press release link: Voces De La Frontera: Tea Party Coalition Promotes Racial Stereotypes Through Fear. Here is a link to video of Gary’s presentation on Wisconsin Eye. See for yourself: Arizona Border Issues Symposium with Gary Meinert
Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Backs Down
With pressure from all sides and three lawsuits filed against them, the Government Accountability Board agreed the new rules should not be enforced. Here is the story from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: State agrees to drop new campaign ad rules There is a tremendous lesson here. While we won this battle, the war is never over. Considering how blatantly unconstitutional the new rules were, it is noteworthy that they were constructed by a group of retired judges. When judges make rules like these, is it any wonder we have a constitutional crisis on our hands? We can never let our guard down, and must continue to educate everyone we come in contact with regarding issues like this. Since they had the audacity to even bring this up, rest assured we will see this again sometime in the future. Here is a message from State Senator Glenn Grothman thanking the TEA Party Groups, Wisconsin Right To Life, and others for defending the First Amendment : GAB Drops Gag Rule 1.28 8-10-10
The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board delivered new rules in the middle of the night in an attempt to silence free speech. Vicki McKenna was talking about this on her show yesterday. Below are the segments of her show where she talks about this with constitutional attorney Jim Troupis. A law suit has already been filed with both conservative and liberal groups joining together. Here is the JS Online story: What are they hiding? Vicki McKenna Show August 4th Hour 1 Part 1 Vicki McKenna Show August 4th Hour 1 Part 2 Here is the link to the new GAB rules. Take a look at GAB 1.28…A VIOLATION OF FREE SPEECH! GAB Rules Effective Aug 15, 2010
Dr. Willie Soon On Global Warming
A recent investigative report by Sir Muir Russell was released that “cleared” the scientists involved in Climategate. Unfortunately, the investigation into this fraud was commissioned and paid for by East Anglia University, the very school where the fraud occurred. Here is a story on the “Whitewash” and why you should not buy the load of garbage they are selling. ClimateGate ‘Whitewash’ Helps ‘Clear’ Scientists, U.S., International Media Claim Below Dr. Willie Soon does a great job of explaining the global warming hoax. [youtube=]
This is an important Washington Post investigative story on the growth of “Top Secret America” since the 9/11 terror attacks: Top Secret America – A Washington Post Investigation Radio 1130 host Mark Belling has called us “liberal” because we believe The Patriot Act is a violation of the 4th and 5th Amendments. I think this story exemplifies some of the concerns that have. With all of these top secret agencies, as the story points out, who really has oversight over all of the “tentacles” of these agencies. Because of all the secrecy, our rights can be violated and there is no due process for “We The People”. Here is a quote from the start of the Washington Post story (by Dana Priest and William Arkin) : “The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.” Here is a commentary by Chuck Baldwin on the Washington Post Story: “Top Secret America”: The Rest Of The Story
Gary Mienert At The State Capitol August 12
Gary Mienert has spent the last 5 years documenting the situation on Arizona’s southern border with Mexico in the Nogales sector of Arizona. He will be giving his presentation about the border and illegal immigration / human smuggling in Madison, Wisconsin at the state capitol building at 12 noon in room 411-south on August 12, 2010. Gary spoke with Vicki McKenna on her talk radio show on radio 1130 WISN this morning. Vicki McKenna – Gary Meinert Interview Podcast Here is our brief interview with Gary before he gave his presentation to us. [youtube=]