Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Backs Down

With pressure from all sides and three lawsuits filed against them, the Government Accountability Board agreed the new rules should not be enforced.  Here is the story from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: State agrees to drop new campaign ad rules

There is a tremendous lesson here.  While we won this battle, the war is never over.  Considering how blatantly unconstitutional the new rules were, it is noteworthy that they were constructed by a group of retired judges.  When judges make rules like these, is it any wonder we have a constitutional crisis on our hands?  We can never let our guard down, and must continue to educate everyone we come in contact with regarding issues like this.  Since they had the audacity to even bring this up, rest assured we will see this again sometime in the future.

Here is a message from State Senator Glenn Grothman thanking the TEA Party Groups, Wisconsin Right To Life, and others for defending the First Amendment : GAB Drops Gag Rule 1.28 8-10-10

Author: rockriverpatriots