Category: Security

Unmanned Drones Being Tested Over Texas / Micro Air Vehicles

Arlington PD Testing Unmanned Aircraft If this doesn’t make you concerned over the emerging police/surveillance state…How about this: Micro Air Vehicles and Bugbots This IS a big deal.  “1984” is here. On the argument: “If you are not doing anything wrong, what do you have to worry about?” What happens when the very speech you use is considered to be “extremist” by BIG GOVERNMENT?  You become the target.  It could happen and it is happening with the gradual move from calling people “terrorists” to “extremists”.  This is deliberate. Will you be the target because of your Constitutional views, Christian beliefs, or anti-BIG GOVERNMENT stance are now considered “extreme”? I contend that this is already happening.  With despots in power already, the use of our military all over the world without Congressional approval by BO, and the constant attack on traditional Judeo-Christian values, is it really too hard to imagine where this is all heading? The only solution (God willing) is to return to Constitutional Principles and adhere to the Constitution.

Reid Preempts Paul, Slips Patriot Act in Small Business Bill Attempting To Prevent Patriot Act Debate

From  Harry Reid Moves To Prevent Senate Debate On The Patriot Act Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has circumvented a call by the newly elected senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, to debate the Patriot Act. In order to prevent a filibuster, Reid performed “some procedural gymnastics,” according to Fox News, and slipped Patriot Act language into a House small business bill that is considered filibuster-proof. In doing so, Reid has skirted objections to the bill led by Paul and has moved closer to extending the Patriot Act without debate. Democrats have applauded this effort to rush the extension into law without debate. [youtube=]

Is The Patriot Act Now Being Used Against Real Patriots As We Have Feared?

The Rock River Patriots have long spoken out against the Patriot Act because it is a blantant violation of our civil rights.  We warned that the Patriot Act will be used against patriotic Americans who are Pro-Life, Support the 2nd Amendment, believe in fidelity to the Constitution, support Ron Paul, ect…This is based on the information written in the MIAC Report that cites those view as “extremist” and the people as “potential domestic terrorists.”  We maintain that this is not about protecting Americans, but about control.  If it were about security, we would have secured our borders long ago. This is a video of a man who says the Patriot Act has been used against him.  You be the judge. [youtube=]

Hooray! HR514 – Renewal Of The Patriot Act Provisions Voted Down!

Here are some links: You Did It! House Unexpectedly Defeats Patriot Act I am sure that this is not the last we have heard of this.  It is only a temporary victory as they will continue to push forward these provisions.  Prepare to keep the pressure on!  Don’t be fooled when you hear the Neo-Cons tell you the world will fall apart without these provisions.  If they really cared about terrorism, our borders would have been secured a long time ago. Shocking as it may seem, Wisconsin Congressional Representatives Tammy Baldwin and Gwen Moore voted against the bill.  As much as it hurts me to say this, they at least deserve to be recognized for this vote.  Could it be that they are starting to understand the Constitution?  Could it be that we are finally getting through to them? Well…I wouldn’t hold my breath.  As Sheriff Mack said when he visited with us in Oconomowoc, “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.” On another interesting note, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann voted for HR514.  The same Michele Bachmann who gave the “TEA Party” response to the State Of The Union Address.  The same Michele Bachmann who is part of…

Patriot Act’s Wiretapping & FISA Provisions Up for Renewal This Month

While these provisions are not even close to the worst parts of the Patriot Act, opposing these measures are a start.  We need to continue to fight for the government to obey the Constitution.  This is a tremendous opportunity to educate people about the principles of liberty and freedom.  We cannot allow this to be “passed in the middle of the night”. When you are called a “liberal” or some other pejorative names, ask them this question: If we are so concerned about terrorism, why haven’t we secured our borders? It’s been over 10 yrs since 9/11 and we still do not know who is coming in to our country. Here are several links about the provisions up for renewal: Renewing the Patriot Act While America Sleeps Patriot Act’s Wiretapping & FISA Provisions Up for Renewal this Month Welcome To Spectacle: The Unnoticed Renewal of The “Patriot” Act