Tag: Patriot Act Renewal Voted Down

Hooray! HR514 – Renewal Of The Patriot Act Provisions Voted Down!

Here are some links: You Did It! House Unexpectedly Defeats Patriot Act I am sure that this is not the last we have heard of this.  It is only a temporary victory as they will continue to push forward these provisions.  Prepare to keep the pressure on!  Don’t be fooled when you hear the Neo-Cons tell you the world will fall apart without these provisions.  If they really cared about terrorism, our borders would have been secured a long time ago. Shocking as it may seem, Wisconsin Congressional Representatives Tammy Baldwin and Gwen Moore voted against the bill.  As much as it hurts me to say this, they at least deserve to be recognized for this vote.  Could it be that they are starting to understand the Constitution?  Could it be that we are finally getting through to them? Well…I wouldn’t hold my breath.  As Sheriff Mack said when he visited with us in Oconomowoc, “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.” On another interesting note, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann voted for HR514.  The same Michele Bachmann who gave the “TEA Party” response to the State Of The Union Address.  The same Michele Bachmann who is part of…