Category: Security

Another Marxist Takeover?

Here is another reason to fear Big Government. Lieberman Bill Gives Feds ‘Emergency’ Powers to Secure Civilian Nets As this article points out, this bill grants unprecedented power to the government over private businesses in a “cyber-emergency.”  With the federal government defining what the emergency is, we need to be scared and stand up against this bill and/or any bill similar to it. Can we really trust them?  Look at all the things that the federal government can’t do right, like securing our borders.  And we should trust them because they want to “help” us? IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP AMERICA! This originates in the Communist Manifesto and it is all about CONTROL. Two of the ten major “pillars” are accomplished with legislation of this type: Government Control of Communications and Government Control of Labor.  All that is needed is a government-defined “emergency” and these powers will go into effect.

Mexican President Urges Assault Weapons Ban Be Reinstated In U.S.

Here is the start of the push for more anti-gun legislation.    A Mexican President is calling for the U.S. to reinstate the assault weapons ban in an address to Congress?  AMAZING!!! Interesting….With the expiration of the assault weapons ban in 2004 , using leftist anti-gun logic, we should expect that the crime rate is increasing as more guns are out on the street.  I’m glad that is not any sort of logic I am used to.  In fact, as more guns are being sold, fewer crimes are being committed.  Here is the link:  More Guns Being Sold, And Fewer Crimes Committed I guess even the liberals have realized that they can’t win the argument by citing the U.S.  crime statistics because the facts are overwhelmingly against their position. So what will they do now?  They really want to ban guns and make people dependent on government.  They want to bring about a globalist government.  They want to have all the power and control.  They want the State to replace God…How can they do it? Well…It seems the liberal argument has now shifted from “guns are causing crime in the United States” to “guns from the United States are causing…

Support John McCain’s Opponent J.D. Hayworth

While the Rock River Patriots do not endorse candidates… It is time for everyone to rise up and support J.D. Hayworth for U.S. Senate in Arizona against John McCain!  We have a chance to get rid of that fraud!  He is once again showing his true colors. This month John McCain introduced legislation to allow the FDA to regulate nutritional supplements. This legislation also repeals key sections of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. This is another way to take away the power of the people to treat themselves using vitamins and minerals.  It is not about safety.  It is about CONTROL!!! This will eventually lead to the implementation of the Codex Alimentarius. Why is this bad?  Watch this and decide for yourselves. [youtube=]

A Google and NSA Partnership?

From the Washington Post : Google to enlist NSA to help it ward off cyberattacks This is something that should make everyone concerned.  The Obama administration already has expressed the need to be able to shut down the internet in “times of national crisis” and appointed Howard A. Schmidt as the “Cyber-Security Czar”.  This is a slippery slope with more of “Big Brother” looking over your shoulder. And here is more:  Police want backdoor to Web users’ private data The potential for abuse far outweighs any “perceived” benefits.  To solve one crime while trampling on the rights on ten people to get there is not justice.  Furthermore, this invites more opportunity to have the information “hacked” by outside entities which is an even bigger threat. If the response time to a subpoena is such a problem, why not have each state individually look at setting a deadline for response with penalties for failing to comply.  It is not a perfect solution, but much better than what is being proposed.

Judge Andrew Napolitano On Alex Jones Radio Show

In this radio interview, Judge Napolitano does a good job explaining some of the violations of the Constitution that have occurred at the hands of big government.  Both the Republicans AND Democrats are to blame for these violations.  We must all be vigilant and resist these abuses at all costs.  As Benjamin Franklin said, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” [youtube=] [youtube=]

Obama and the INTERPOL Executive Order

According to the NRA, Obama’s  executive order regarding INTERPOL is nothing to worry about. Read what the NRA says about the INTERPOL Rumors. Here is what Glenn Beck had to say about Obama’s executive Order on his show: Obama’s Executive Order. If this is nothing to worry about as the NRA says, then we all need to wonder WHY?  WHY do it now? WHY by executive order? WHY no publicity about it?  WHY? WHY? WHY? Everything the Obama administration does is purposeful and political.  That is the nature of the “Chicago Machine” and “Chicago-Style” politics that Obama, David Axelrod, and Rahm Emmanuel have brought into the White House. We need to continue to be skeptical and fearful of all that government does, no matter the party that is in charge.  As George Washington said, “Government is not reason. Government is not eloquence. It is force. And, like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

Political Correctness Will Be The Death Of America

Take a look at this report from WorldNet Daily and the associated video.  It shows a jihad training camp in New York. [youtube=] Where is the government and why isn’t the mainstream media reporting this?  We have terror training camps here is the US!  Yet patriotic Americans and returning military are classified as extremists and possible domestic terrorists by Homeland Security?

Time To Pull Out Of The UN – Our 2nd Amendment In Danger

This is why we need to be vigilant and not allow the globalists to be in power.  We should pull out of the UN and send them all packing out of New York City.  This is their anti-gun agenda: [youtube=] Don’t allow the Senate to ratify any UN gun treaty! Call and tell them “NO!”  If they violate our Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms, I predict that there will be civil war in America.  No freedom loving American will turn in their guns because of a UN Treaty.  As Charlton Heston said so gracefully, “From my cold, dead hands!” Read this article: Chuck Baldwin — Is Obama Really Preparing For Civil War? Tell me…Is all this is being planned in anticipation of the fact that Obama will sign on to a UN anti-gun treaty and it will be ratified by the Senate?  It makes me wonder considering all that this administration is doing already.

The Dollar…Going, Going, Gone?

For a long time, many of us have been screaming about the out of control spending and printing of money by our government.  Many have spoken out about the Federal Reserve System and called for America to return to currency system backed by something tangible like gold or silver.  It looks like this irresponsible behavior by our government is catching up with us.  Check out these videos: [youtube=] [youtube=]

Do The Feds Want Illegal Immigration?

Do the Feds want illegal immigration?  It sure seems that way.  Look what the Department of Homeland Security is doing to Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  Here is the link: Feds limit Ariz. sheriff’s crackdown on illegal immigrants