Tag: The Tea Party / Patriot Movement

Send Strings – Make the Dangers of the Early Innovator Grant Clear

Send Strings: Make the Dangers of the Early Innovator Grant Clear Written by Kirsten – From WI 9/12 Project Monday, 09 January 2012 00:01 Last month, I wrote about the claim of Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) that the Early Innovator Grant (EIG) Governor Walker accepted on behalf of the State of Wisconsin in February 2011 came with no strings attached.  Those who’ve been following this issue already know that the EIG has strings o’plenty. First and foremost, acceptance of EIG funds obligates recipient states to plan and implement an Obamacare-compliant health insurance exchange. That means Wisconsin has been in the process of implementing and complying with Obamacare for at least the past year. As noted in previous articles on this site, we’ve seen the evidence.  Wisconsin’s Obamacare compliant exchange is definitely well underway…much further than most people realize.  If we don’t do something about it soon, it will indeed be too late. Someone has taken this reality to heart and raised the matter to a creative new level. We’re delighted. Remember back when the Tea Party got its start–how many people put tea bags into envelopes and sent them to elected officials?  That concrete message, particularly in…

Ron Paul: The Only One We Can Trust

The Rock River Patriots do not endorse candidates.  However, this video sheds light on who Ron Paul really is.  As the father of the true TEA Party movement, it is an important video to show.  Dr. Paul’s views are very close to the views of the Rock River Patriots.  That’s why it is posted on this site. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohKz9OeiI0g]

Concealed Carry Legislation A Victory For Tea Party, Patriot Groups

From Media Trackers: Concealed Carry Legislation A Victory For Tea Party, Patriot Groups By Collin Roth Of all the legislation passed in the last session of the Wisconsin legislature, perhaps no bill showed more the Tea Party impact on Republican legislators than the concealed carry legislation passed Tuesday in the Assembly. For a number of years, Second Amendment conservatives chafed at being one of only two states in the country that do not have some form of concealed carry. And despite two vetoes by Democratic Governor Jim Doyle, a tumultuous legislative session primarily focused on the budget, and the threat of recall elections for six state senators, Tea Party conservatives kept the pressure on to bring concealed carry legislation to a vote in this session. Annette Olson of the pro-2nd Amendment organization Un-infringed Liberty called the passage of concealed carry legislation yesterday a “huge step.” Olson said her organization allied with Tea Party groups from around the state to work with legislators in order to bring concealed carry legislation to a vote before the end of this legislative session. And while Olson and many Tea Party activists were disappointed when the Constitutional Carry Bill proposed by Senator Pam Galloway was…


The public hearings for the Concealed Carry Bills are this Thursday May 12th.  The details are listed below. The Rock River Patriots support CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY only for many reasons.  See our Constitutional Carry post for many of the reasons contained our “Talking Points Memo”. Another reason to support  CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY is because, as Constitutional Conservatives,  we want to keep government limited in size and scope.  This “permit carry” bill opens the door for more gov’t in our lives.  I thought that is what the Republicans in Wisconsin campaigned on…Limited Government! While we highly recommend that all gun owners get training,  the training requirement is something that should be VOLUNTARY.  Since 2009 people have been carrying openly in WI without any incident that I am aware of that would be classified as a “training issue”.  There is no no training requirement to open carry.  There is also no training requirement in Vermont, Wyoming, Alaska, or Arizona where they have Constitutional Carry.  If any major incidents have happened there, they have not been widely publicized. THERE ARE GAMES BEING PLAYED IN MADISON REGARDING THE CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY BILL.  It seems the leadership doesn’t want this bill to even get a chance to be…

If You Are Against Raising The Debt Ceiling You Are Part Of Al-Qaeda?

We said it would happen…and it has.  While I’m not surprised, it is very concerning that this is coming from someone on the right. From The American Dream: Are you against raising the debt ceiling? If so, according to former Bush Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill you are actually part of Al-Qaeda. Yes, seriously. During an interview on Bloomberg TV the other day, O’Neill actually made the following statement: “The people who are threatening not to pass the debt ceiling are our version of Al-Qaeda terrorists. Really. They’re really putting our whole society at risk by threatening to round up 50 percent of the members of the Congress, who are looney, who would put our credit at risk.”

Politico Story On Reince Preibus

We are quoted in the story regarding the newly elected RNC Chairman Reince Preibus so I think it is appropriate to provide the link. Reince Priebus’s tea party tightrope Many in the TEA Party / Patriot movement will continue to be skeptical of the Republican Party on a National Level.  Our movement was instrumental in helping the Republicans retake control of the U.S. House of Representatives, yet no TEA Party / Patriot candidates that were elected, made it into a leadership position.  They read the U.S. Constitution at the start of the new session and swore an oath to uphold it, yet most still support the Patriot Act, TARP, undeclared wars, and the Federal Reserve.  We have been shouting to stop out of control government spending and make deep cuts, yet the best they can come up with is to “roll-back” spending to 2008 levels.  They speak of Washington having a “spending problem”, yet the new Speaker of the House, John Boehner, could not come up with one area to cut spending when he was asked by NBC’s Brian Williams on the Nightly News. It will be interesting to see if Reince Preibus does listen to our movement.  The real proof…

Daily Jefferson County Union Letter To The Editor

Below is a letter to the editor of the Daily Jefferson County Union that was printed a few weeks ago.  It articulates some fundamental points that are important to know.  Enjoy! This letter is a response to Dave Tuten’s letter to the editor on Wednesday, July 28, 2010. At the risk of giving Mr. Tuten’s letter any credibility at all, I will respond. First let me address the tone of the letter. There is no need for any personal attacks against Ms. Bakken or anyone in the Tea Party/Patriot Movement. Mr. Tuten’s letter is hate filled and mean-spirited. It is unfortunate that Mr. Tuten cannot debate without engaging in low-level attacks. Having said that, I would like to address several issues in Mr. Tuten’s letters. Let’s talk about the smoking ban. The issue many people in the Tea Party/Patriot Movement have with this ban is that it is a violation of private property rights. It’s the right of an entrepreneur to decide on his or her premises what is best for their business environment. Whether people smoke in a bar or any other place should be up to the owner of the business. The consumer has a right to make…

Rise Of The Tea Party Movement

Here is the link for WISC-TV’s show “For The Record” with Neil Heinen.  On this episode, Kirsten Lombard from the Wisconsin 9/12 Project and I (Dan Horvatin) join host Neil Heinen to talk about the Tea Party Movement.  Thank you again to WISC-TV for having us! For The Record: Rise Of The Tea Party Movement.

Support From The Wisconsin 9/12 Group – Standing For The 1st Amendment

Here is an email I received from Kirsten Lombard of the Wisconsin 9/12 Project In Madison.  We thank them for their support and applaud them for their courage and understanding of this issue.  We may have differences on some issues, but this is a principle everyone in our movement should understand! FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS: The Wisconsin 9/12 Project Stands with the Rock River Patriots Dan, I find Mr. Belling’s refusal simply to issue a correction more than regrettable. I’m also bothered by his assumption that local grassroots groups do not have a right to inform the voters about what they find in relationship to candidate vetting. You’re precisely right in pointing out to Mr. Belling that he is advocating–or at least indicating his preference for–a curtailment of your 1st Amendment rights. I wonder how he’d like it if someone told him that as a radio host, he should only speak about certain things in sanctioned ways. That day may be closer than he thinks, so perhaps we’ll find out. In any event, when followed to its natural conclusion, Mr. Belling’s argument shakes out thus: As a radio host with a bully pulpit, he has the right to say whatever he…