Tag: Senate Committee on Judiciary


The public hearings for the Concealed Carry Bills are this Thursday May 12th.  The details are listed below. The Rock River Patriots support CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY only for many reasons.  See our Constitutional Carry post for many of the reasons contained our “Talking Points Memo”. Another reason to support  CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY is because, as Constitutional Conservatives,  we want to keep government limited in size and scope.  This “permit carry” bill opens the door for more gov’t in our lives.  I thought that is what the Republicans in Wisconsin campaigned on…Limited Government! While we highly recommend that all gun owners get training,  the training requirement is something that should be VOLUNTARY.  Since 2009 people have been carrying openly in WI without any incident that I am aware of that would be classified as a “training issue”.  There is no no training requirement to open carry.  There is also no training requirement in Vermont, Wyoming, Alaska, or Arizona where they have Constitutional Carry.  If any major incidents have happened there, they have not been widely publicized. THERE ARE GAMES BEING PLAYED IN MADISON REGARDING THE CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY BILL.  It seems the leadership doesn’t want this bill to even get a chance to be…