Tag: Collective Bargaining

The Budget Repair Bill and Concealed Carry

The Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned Judge Sumi’s ruling on the collective bargaining law. Dane County Liberal Activist Judge Maryann Sumi Usurped The Power Of The Legislature Say Justices The Wisconsin State Senate passed SB-93 – Concealed Carry in a 25-8 vote. While it is not Constitutional Carry like we want, it is a step in the right direction.  Thank your Senator if he/she voted in favor of this bill.  Tell them we will continue to push for Constitutional Carry, but appreciate the big step forward that they took. Our focus now moves to the Assembly.  Contact your Assembly representatives and tell them to pass SB-93 as is with no further restrictions on your natural right to keep and bear arms.  This bill is already a significant compromise from Constitutional Carry.

Judge Who Issued Temporary Restraining Order on Collective Bargaining Has Union Ties

Once again Liberals are showing they have no shame.  John Adams said,“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  This statement can be applied to the government in general.  The U.S. Constitution is the fundamental foundational framework in the United States upon which all levels of government originate. When we have those without morals or “godless” people in government making these decisions, is it any wonder we see actions like this?   I am not here to look inside Judge Sumi’s heart to make that determination.  Only God can do that.  However, I can look at her actions and make my determination.  An honest assessment indicates a conflict of interest here. Some may say calling Liberals “godless” is inflammatory and wrong.  Sometimes the truth itself is inflammatory, but it still needs to be spoken.  Indeed, Liberals may not be “godless”.  Their god is the State and/or themselves.  The natural progression from this worldview is collectivism and moral relativism.  Their standard operating procedures are “anything goes” or “by any means necessary”.  This is far from the view held by the Founders of our Constitutional Republic, which was based on…