Category: The Push for Global Government

Silver Shield’s Final Warning & Commentary By One Of Our Members

Here is a link to a very important read about our monetary system: Silver Shield’s Final Warning – Don’t Tread On Me The following commentary was offered by one of our members about this whole situation.  It is very thought provoking. Actually I do think silver and gold will rise. They are totally screwing with the precious metals market. They are running a total scam. Not only are they short selling silver and gold but, they are going to make a killing on it, use those proceeds to buy the real deal, and then make ownership of it illegal. That will be, along with the confiscation of property, the final criminal stealing of all wealth. They are, as of right now, selling gold on the futures market @ just less than $10,000 for a reserve purchase of 100 ounces of gold. Yep, for approximately $9,500 in cash you can purchase 100 ounces of gold. NOT physical ownership of gold but a reserve amount of 100 ounces held in a sort of ETF set up. Are you kidding? Why did gold give back over $100 per ounce in one day? Because they raised the risk of purchase, another words, they raised…

The Debt Ceiling, The Dream Act, And The Downgrade

It has definitely been a wild couple of weeks that continues to prove to me that nothing will ever change in Washington D.C. We have seen a debt ceiling deal that does nothing to change the course our country is headed on.  The TEA Party has been called terrorists by Vice President Joe Biden, and demonized by some in talk radio and the IMPOTENT Republican establishment. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard the Republican establishment wimps say, ” We only have one branch of government, how much can we be expected to do?”  Controlling one branch of government is all that is needed to prevent any bad bill from being passed! THE SOLUTION SHOULD HAVE BEEN: Pass a spending freeze bill and cuts similar to what Sen. Rand Paul suggested ( a spending freeze and 1% cut each year for six years), and spend the rest of the time explaining it to your districts.  If the Senate and POTUS refuse to do anything with the bill, stay in your district and keep explaining it.  That is truly why we have a system of checks and balances.  The sky will not fall as they have led you to believe….

The Dictatorship Is Here

Below is a letter from one of our members on the Debt Ceiling Bill.  Very thought provoking…Remember the establishment Republicans lecturing the TEA Party, telling us that this was the best we could expect to get with a divided federal government?  We got a lot more than that with this bill. The Dictatorship Is Here. Not only have the federal elections last year proven to mean nothing, we are in fact about to have the most sweeping unconstitutional change to our system of government take place shortly. They, under the guise of the debt debate, have just created what amounts to, a ruling Politburo that will work directly with the President. Congress has just been relegated to a subordinate role to the new “SUPER CONGRESS” that will work directly with POTUS. Yes, the Republicans have just sold this country out, big time. This SUPER CONGRESS will have substantial powers that will in effect, allow the establishment Republicans and Democrats, to have total control of the process in Washington. Take that Tea Party! Take that all of you Patriots! How dare you Tea Party Patriots disrupt our agenda to create a regionalized Global Government with your silly elections last Fall. We…

Unmanned Drones Being Tested Over Texas / Micro Air Vehicles

Arlington PD Testing Unmanned Aircraft If this doesn’t make you concerned over the emerging police/surveillance state…How about this: Micro Air Vehicles and Bugbots This IS a big deal.  “1984” is here. On the argument: “If you are not doing anything wrong, what do you have to worry about?” What happens when the very speech you use is considered to be “extremist” by BIG GOVERNMENT?  You become the target.  It could happen and it is happening with the gradual move from calling people “terrorists” to “extremists”.  This is deliberate. Will you be the target because of your Constitutional views, Christian beliefs, or anti-BIG GOVERNMENT stance are now considered “extreme”? I contend that this is already happening.  With despots in power already, the use of our military all over the world without Congressional approval by BO, and the constant attack on traditional Judeo-Christian values, is it really too hard to imagine where this is all heading? The only solution (God willing) is to return to Constitutional Principles and adhere to the Constitution.

Glenn Beck’s Shtick? Alex Jones Got There First

Here is a recent article from Rolling Stone magazine regarding Glenn Beck and Alex Jones.  It is an article worth reading.  Both men have provided a lot of valuable information.  You be the judge on the article. Glenn Beck’s Shtick? Alex Jones Got There First

Homeland Security Seizes Domain Names

This happened a short time ago… Homeland Security seizes domain names U.S. Govt. Seizes Web Domains Accused of Piracy, Counterfeiting We said it would happen and it is starting.  Where is the due process for the owners of these web sites?  According to one of the articles, some warrants were signed authorizing these sites to be shut down. What if it turns out they are wrong and they have just taken away someone’s livelihood? An even more important question is why they even care about people “copying music” or selling “imitation” handbags?  Aren’t they supposed to be concerned about terrorism and securing our borders?