Category: The Push for Global Government


The Unconstitutional health care bill will likely be voted on by Christmas.  Here is the story from the LA Times: Senate Democrats get 60 votes to move healthcare bill along If this bill passes, it is time for all the conservatives groups to bring forward a class action law suit against this bill because it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!! Furthermore, the time is now for States to assert their 10th Amendment Sovereignty! Make no mistake about this bill…It is really not about health care reform, it is about control.  Look at the quote from the linked LA Times story: “This is a historic crossroads,” David Axelrod, senior Obama advisor, said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Seven presidents have tried to pass comprehensive health insurance reform, seven presidents have failed. We’re on the doorstep of getting it done.” Did you notice he said “health insurance reform” not “health care reform”.  A CHANGE IN LANGUAGE IS A CHANGE IN REALITY!!! The reason they use this language is because they know this bill is not about health care.  It is about health insurance.  This bill will actually reduce the level of care, lead to rationing, increase the cost of insurance to all Americans, and…

Time To Pull Out Of The UN – Our 2nd Amendment In Danger

This is why we need to be vigilant and not allow the globalists to be in power.  We should pull out of the UN and send them all packing out of New York City.  This is their anti-gun agenda: [youtube=] Don’t allow the Senate to ratify any UN gun treaty! Call and tell them “NO!”  If they violate our Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms, I predict that there will be civil war in America.  No freedom loving American will turn in their guns because of a UN Treaty.  As Charlton Heston said so gracefully, “From my cold, dead hands!” Read this article: Chuck Baldwin — Is Obama Really Preparing For Civil War? Tell me…Is all this is being planned in anticipation of the fact that Obama will sign on to a UN anti-gun treaty and it will be ratified by the Senate?  It makes me wonder considering all that this administration is doing already.

Alex Jones’: The Fall Of The Republic

This is Alex Jones’ new documentary The Fall Of The Republic.  You can continue watching the film on YouTube or go to to buy or download the film.  If you believe in what is being shown, I encourage you to support this film and show it to everyone. [youtube=]