Category: State / Local Issues

Obama in Racine

Here is some news about the protesters that were outside.  Thanks to the Racine TEA Party for and others for being there speaking out. Protesters greet Obama with signs, shouts [youtube=]

Terrence Wall Accuses Ron Johnson Of Corruption And Ballot Tampering

This is interesting. I’ve heard rumors that there was “funny business” going on at the convention from other TEA Party / Patriot Groups.  Hear the audio of Terrence Wall’s accusations for yourself. Terrence Wall Accuses Ron Johnson Of Corruption And Ballot Tampering

Wow! Did Arizona Move?

This video speaks for itself.  Watch in amazement! [youtube=]

Rally in Madison, Wisconsin to Insist that Governor Doyle signs the Raw Milk Bill

This was forwarded from some friends for those of you interested in Natural Foods and Whole Foods…. Rally in Madison, Wisconsin to Insist that Governor Doyle signs the Raw Milk Bill Date: Tuesday – May 18, 2010 Time: 12:00pm – 3:00pm Location: Madison–Capitol steps, State Street corner Despite massive consumer & farmer support, and overwhelming passage of the “raw milk bill” in both the Senate and the Assembly, Governor Jim Doyle has been delaying on signing the raw milk bill. Initially he said he would sign the bill, but he waivered last week and said he was undecided. Now under immense pressure from corporate agri-business lobbyists, Doyle could veto the bill before Wednesday. Legalizing raw milk in Wisconsin will have ripple effects nationally, and the corporate milk processing monopolies are mobilizing all their resources to keep it illegal. It is up to us to stop the veto. We need all the moms, dads, kids, farmers, consumers, and concerned citizens to stand up. If you support family farmers and consumer choice for whole natural foods, the time to act is NOW! For more information, contact Bill Anderson 262-352-3300 See the press release at

States Move to Reclaim Power Over Intrastate Commerce

From the Tenth Amendment Center: States Move to Reclaim Power Over Intrastate Commerce This is the way we will can restore our system of government to the way it was intended to operate.

Judge Andrew Napolitano On Alex Jones Radio Show

In this radio interview, Judge Napolitano does a good job explaining some of the violations of the Constitution that have occurred at the hands of big government.  Both the Republicans AND Democrats are to blame for these violations.  We must all be vigilant and resist these abuses at all costs.  As Benjamin Franklin said, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” [youtube=] [youtube=]

Obama – The Teleprompter Chronicles

Here is another example of Obama and his teleprompter…At an elementary school!  More evidence that he is nothing more than an empty suit. Obama Uses Teleprompters During Speech At Elementary School