Category: State / Local Issues

A Moment Of Clarity With Dr. Tim Nerenz – Proficiency

The following column was written by Dr. Tim Nerenz at Moment Of Clarity.  Tim was the Libertarian candidate running against Tammy Baldwin in the last election cycle, before having to withdraw because he moved out of the district.  This column addresses outcome-based education and the fight in Madison to keep the status quo in place by all of the unions opposing the Budget Repair Bill. Here is the link: Dr. Tim On Proficiency

Assembly Passes The Budget Repair Bill, Senate Gives OK For Final Vote

Senate gives preliminary OK to repair bill passed by Assembly Here is how the vote broke down and how your representative voted: 51-17 on AB11 Call your State Assembly Representative and thank them if they voted the right way!  

Patriots Support Evan Wynn At His Home In Whitewater

Patriots showed up in Whitewater to support Rep. Evan Wynn in Whitewater.  The call went out late yesterday when we learned that AFL-CIO unions were going to protest in front of Rep. Wynn’s home in an attempt to intimidate.  Thanks to all the patriots who got up very early and helped support Evan and his family. Below is a picture of the Unionists that showed up.  Unlike the papers reported, there were only 11 people.  Here are the links: Whitewater assemblyman supports bill Tea Party, union members square off outside Rep. Wynn’s home

Wisconsin High School Teachers Bring Students To Protest

I think the video speaks for itself…Funny they have to let kids out of school to get enough protesters.  Now that’s Astroturf! [youtube=] Here is one of the more comical signs we saw in Madison today in the capitol building.  The protester holding this sign was an active participant in the protest.  I think he may have smoked his pipe a little early and thought this was a legalization rally!

Patriots…Call Madison Tuesday February 1st

Dear Wisconsin Patroit, The Wisconsin State Assembly leaders are dragging their feet regarding election reform because they are waiting for comprehensive legislation to be written. Other reforms are certainly necessary, but they cannot implement everything in time for the state Supreme Court election in April; so they should pass the first bill which includes photo ID by then.  Comprehensive reform can be passed in two stages.  The Senate did their part by conducting a public hearing last week.  Now we need the Assembly to do the same.  They should hear from everybody and their brothers tomorrow. So leaders, please pass the massage to your mailing lists. For leaders and everyone else, please make three calls: Call your Assembly Representative Call Committee Chairman, Rep. Gary Tauchen -1-608-266-3097 Call Assembly Leader, Rep. Jeff Fitzgerald -1-608-266-2540 The message:  Schedule an assembly hearing ASAP in February on whatever election reform they think they can pass in time for the April 5th election for the following reasons(please state all three as we need a consistent message): 1. Without photo ID this April, the other side will be able to distort the State Supreme Court race with fewer fraudulent votes because of the low turnout. 2. The clerks and voting…

Voter ID – Response to One Wisconsin Now

One Wisconsin Now writes on voter ID: Here is the response from Ken Van Doren – Campaign for Liberty in Wisconsin 1. OWN cites all kind of statistics. Where did these number come from, and who determined them? 2. Just because only a few were found guilty of voter fraud does not mean that these few were all the fraudulent votes cast. Witness the anecdotal evidence of busloads of people coming in during the 2008 fall election. Also, as a poll watcher, I was not allowed to examine the evidence of residency that voters presented. One “progressive” web site seemed to invite fraud with the information, “Voting in Wisconsin could not be easier. If you have a friend who is registered, he can vouch for you even if you do not have identification or other proof of residency.” Also, witness that in Milwaukee, the lion’s share of same day registrations came after 5PM. Could it be that this was a purposeful plan to overwhelm the elections staff so they would not have time to carefully consider the evidence of residency? The opportunity if not the fact of fraud was certainly there. No one can tell, with our lax registration…