Month: March 2011

Kloppenburg Refuses To Condemn False Attack Ad

[youtube=] Where is her integrity?  Sure they have a 1st Amendment right to express their opinion, but she also has the right to denounce their ad and ask for it to be pulled.  Trying to hide behind the the 1st Amendment is shameful and disingenuous. The Westboro Baptist Church also has the 1st Amendment right to express themselves at military funerals no matter how shameful and disgusting it is.  Using Joanne Kloppenburg’s logic, apparently she would not denounce an attack ad by them either “because they are a third party group” and “have a 1st Amendment right.”

Rock River Patriots Meeting This Friday March 25th

The Rock River Patriots will be having a meeting at 6pm in Jefferson this Friday March 25 in the conference room at Kendall Packaging.  Kendall Packaging is located at 707 N. Parkway Street. At this meeting we will discuss current and upcoming events.  We will talk more about education, the state budget, and other issues of interest going on in Madison. As always, we hope to see you there!

Judge Who Issued Temporary Restraining Order on Collective Bargaining Has Union Ties

Once again Liberals are showing they have no shame.  John Adams said,“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  This statement can be applied to the government in general.  The U.S. Constitution is the fundamental foundational framework in the United States upon which all levels of government originate. When we have those without morals or “godless” people in government making these decisions, is it any wonder we see actions like this?   I am not here to look inside Judge Sumi’s heart to make that determination.  Only God can do that.  However, I can look at her actions and make my determination.  An honest assessment indicates a conflict of interest here. Some may say calling Liberals “godless” is inflammatory and wrong.  Sometimes the truth itself is inflammatory, but it still needs to be spoken.  Indeed, Liberals may not be “godless”.  Their god is the State and/or themselves.  The natural progression from this worldview is collectivism and moral relativism.  Their standard operating procedures are “anything goes” or “by any means necessary”.  This is far from the view held by the Founders of our Constitutional Republic, which was based on…

NC Man Convicted Of Making And Selling His Own Silver Coins

Here are the links: Defendant Convicted of Minting His Own Currency, Liberty Dollar creator convicted in federal court The Feds have called this an act of “domestic terrorism”.  This is outrageous! The man involved minted silver coins calling them “Liberty Dollars” as a hedge against inflation and a medium of exchange for people to use to buy or sell goods and services.  This was a  true form of exchange that would not lose its value like Federal Reserve Notes. A possible case could be made for counterfeiting because he made the coins too similar government minted coins, but DOMESTIC TERRORISM?  This again proves we have out of control federal government! On the idea of silver coins as a medium of exchange…In any deal both sides of the transaction know what the medium of exchange is and must agree.  If either the buyer or seller do not agree, then there is no sale.  Any number of things could be used as a medium of exchange from beans to band aides to a person’s manual labor.  As long as there is agreement on both sides of the transaction, the medium of exchange could be almost anything. Who is the victim in this…

Is The Patriot Act Now Being Used Against Real Patriots As We Have Feared?

The Rock River Patriots have long spoken out against the Patriot Act because it is a blantant violation of our civil rights.  We warned that the Patriot Act will be used against patriotic Americans who are Pro-Life, Support the 2nd Amendment, believe in fidelity to the Constitution, support Ron Paul, ect…This is based on the information written in the MIAC Report that cites those view as “extremist” and the people as “potential domestic terrorists.”  We maintain that this is not about protecting Americans, but about control.  If it were about security, we would have secured our borders long ago. This is a video of a man who says the Patriot Act has been used against him.  You be the judge. [youtube=]

Thugs Destroy Recall Petitions In Northern WI

The link is listed below.  The union intimidation not only occurred up north, but also in the Racine-Kenosha area for those involved in the recall efforts of senator Bob Wirch.  This is shameful, but again shows the lengths the left will go to get what they want.  They continue to claim how dangerous gun owners and proponents of the 2nd Amendement are, yet they are the first ones who resort to violence.  They are the first ones to call for “taking it to the streets.” The law enforcement who stood by and let this happen should be ashamed!  Thugs Destroy Recall Petitions

Justice Prosser – “I want to protect people from the government”

Justice Prosser is the only judicial conservative in the WI Supreme Court Race and the only candidate with judicial experience.  His opponent, Joann Kloppenburg, is a judicial activist who has never even been a judge!  There is a reason the unions are fighting as hard as possible to get her elected.  They expect her and the other activists on the court to find a way to undue what the Governor and Legislature have done.  The liberals lost big at the ballot box in November, so their only refuge is the courts.  It is shameful, but it is the liberal way. Here is a recent clip of Justice Prosser.  [youtube=]

Wisconsin’s Tax Climate – From The Tax Foundation

Here are some of the facts and the link: The Tax Foundation – Taxes In Wisconsin Tax Freedom Day Arrives on April 12 in Wisconsin Tax Freedom Day is the day when Americans finally have earned enough money to pay off their total tax bill for the year. Wisconsin’s State and Local Tax Burden Among Nation’s Highest Wisconsin‘s 2011 Business Tax Climate Ranks 40th Wisconsin Property Taxes: Among the Nation’s Highest Federal Tax Burdens and Expenditures: Wisconsin is a Donor State