Sen. Kohl’s “Listening” Session

When many people heard that Sen. Kohl’s listening session at the Janesville Rotary Club was “private”, they did not go at all.  That did not stop Kevin Thompson from waiting outside the event to talk with Senator Kohl.  Kevin was a speaker at our July 4th TEA Party. Way to go Kevin! Here is a link to Kevin’s blog about the meeting: Kevin Thompson’s Blog

Janesville TEA Party

Several of the Rock River Patriots attended the TEA Party this past Saturday…It was great to see so many motivated to take back our government.  Here is a link to the story from the Janesville Press Gazette : Janesville TEA Party

Sen. Kohl “Listening” Session

On Monday August 17th at noon in Janesville, Sen. Herb Kohl will be having a listening session. The location is at Rotary Gardens, 1455 Palmer Drive, Janesville WI.  Go and tell him how you feel about the health care bill! Here is the link to Janesville Rotary Club’s Website: Herb Kohl On Health Care Here is the link from the Janesville Press Gazette : Senator Kohl In Janesville

Look Out For Hillary!

Don’t ask Hillary about Bubba! She doesn’t like it. [youtube=]

AB70 and SB44 – Tell Them To Vote NO!

From Wisconsin Gun Owners Website: Ignoring the wishes of grassroots gun owners, and doing the bidding of Sarah Brady, State Rep. Scott Gunderson is still pushing AB70, the bill to expand the National Instant Check System (NICS) in Wisconsin. Assembly Bill 70 and Senate Bill 44 would dangerously expand state-level back ground checks to include far-reach medical data. All it takes is one anti-gun government mental health crony to declare you “adjudicated mentally defective” and you lose your guns. Here is the Link:WGO regarding AB70 and SB44 This was my letter to the elected “representatives” proposing this bill and my representatives: I am a Deputy Sheriff and have been so employed for the past 8.5 yrs.  Being a law enforcement officer and tactics instructor, I understand the INTENTIONS proposing these bills (AB70 / SB44) in light of the Virginia Tech Massacre.  The shooter was mentally disturbed, and was still able to purchase several guns. HOWEVER, I am an American Patriot first and foremost.  These bills give the government too much power and access to records that must be kept private.  The potential for abuse far out weighs the need to protect the public interest.  While these incidents happen, they are…

Cash For Clunkers…Your Personal Data For The Government

Here is Glenn Beck talking about the Cash For Clunkers program and his discoveries.  It is shocking…And how many people will ignore this warning? [youtube=]

Janesville WI T.E.A. Party on Saturday

A T.E.A. Party Taxpayer Protest Rally is set for 9 a.m. – noon Saturday August 15th at the Janesville Post Office, 1936 Milton Ave.  Hope all can attend and keep the pressure on! Here is a link to the story: Janesville Tea Party

The Enemy Within – Barack Obama In His Own Words

Below are excerpts from Barack Obama’s books.  These comments sure seem racist and like Obama wants to be president of the world, not the United States. From Dreams of My Father:  “I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.” From Dreams of My Father :  “I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.” From Dreams of My Father:  “There was something about her that made me wary, a little too sure of herself, maybe and white.” From Dreams of My Father:  “It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.” From Dreams of My Father:  “I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.” From Audacity of Hope: “I will stand with the _Muslims_ should the political winds…

Rock River Patriots Meeting

The Rock River Patriots will be having a meeting on Friday August 14 at 6pm in the community room of the Jefferson Police Department located at 425 Collins Road in Jefferson.  Hope to see you all there!

When The Tables Are Turned

Recently, I received a comment from one of liberals out there saying how this was an orchestrated effort against the health care bill.  I include excerpts below because it was too long to post the whole thing. It is always funny that when true conservatives or other concerned citizens protest AGAINST their attempts at socializing this country.  They think it MUST be set up by the Big Old Republican Fat Cats.  Liberals believe there is just no way people on their own would choose to fight against the government taking care of them. It is  only considered “grass-roots” when the protest goes along with their socialist agenda.    It can’t possibly be that THE PEOPLE don’t want this bill shoved down their throat.  The last time I checked, conservatives are not going out seeking / using paid protesters like the liberals. It is great to see the left getting a taste of their own medicine.  You can tell it is effective, because now the left is busing in their protesters/meeting attendees, keeping out the opposition, and resorting to violence.  Yet these same people are the ones who claim to be about peace. Oh and they still can’t get over the…