Category: Other Patriot Posts

Daily Jefferson County Union Letter To The Editor

Below is a letter to the editor of the Daily Jefferson County Union that was printed a few weeks ago.  It articulates some fundamental points that are important to know.  Enjoy! This letter is a response to Dave Tuten’s letter to the editor on Wednesday, July 28, 2010. At the risk of giving Mr. Tuten’s letter any credibility at all, I will respond. First let me address the tone of the letter. There is no need for any personal attacks against Ms. Bakken or anyone in the Tea Party/Patriot Movement. Mr. Tuten’s letter is hate filled and mean-spirited. It is unfortunate that Mr. Tuten cannot debate without engaging in low-level attacks. Having said that, I would like to address several issues in Mr. Tuten’s letters. Let’s talk about the smoking ban. The issue many people in the Tea Party/Patriot Movement have with this ban is that it is a violation of private property rights. It’s the right of an entrepreneur to decide on his or her premises what is best for their business environment. Whether people smoke in a bar or any other place should be up to the owner of the business. The consumer has a right to make…

Lt. Governor Candidate Dave Ross Candidate Forum

Below are the first three segments with Superior Mayor Dave Ross, who is running for Lt. Governor.  The remaining segments can be viewed on our YouTube channel: rockriverpatriots. Dave faces off with two other Republicans in the primary, Brett Davis and Rebecca Kleefisch.  Both were also extended invitations to attend candidate forums, and neither have responded. [youtube=] [youtube=] [youtube=]

Defending Liberty With Sheriff Richard Mack In Wisconsin August 23rd – August 25

Richard Mack is a former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, and a long-time crusader for freedom and individual rights. In 1994 he filed a lawsuit challenging the federal government in an attempt to stop them from forcing unfunded mandates on County officials in Arizona. He won a decision at the US Supreme Court on this issue. The suit catapulted him to national attention, with television appearances on the Donahue Show, Good Morning America, Crossfire, Nightline, CNBC, and SHOWTIME’S the AMERICAN CANDIDATE. He’s been interviewed on over 500 radio talk shows nationwide and has traveled the country extensively. Richard Mack is a powerful experienced speaker, and a strong advocate of local, state, and individual freedoms. He has been a tireless crusader to promote respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, working with many groups and organizations to further individual rights.  For more information visit Below are fliers for two of the events in the area.  I encourage you at attend and be educated and empowered! Sheriff Mack In Janesville On August 23rd Sheriff Mack At Olympia Resort In Oconomowoc On August 24th

The Washington County TEA Party – August 7, 2010

Joe The Plumber [youtube=] Pastor David King [youtube=] State Senator Glenn Grothman [youtube=]

Gary Mienert’s Border Presentation Was Not Racist, Contrary To What “Voces De La Frontera” Want You To Believee

The usual suspects were at work at the Arizona Border Issues Symposium with Gary Mienert and are crying racism.  Having heard Gary’s presentation several times before, it is anything but racist.  It is a graphic reminder of how dangerous it is along the border on both the Mexican and American sides.  This presentation shows why a secured border is needed. A handful of protesters were chanting outside the hall, disrupted the presentation, and failed to stay for the entire presentation when there was an opportunity to have their questions answered. Here is the press release link: Voces De La Frontera: Tea Party Coalition Promotes Racial Stereotypes Through Fear. Here is a link to video of Gary’s presentation on Wisconsin Eye.  See for yourself: Arizona Border Issues Symposium with Gary Meinert

Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Backs Down

With pressure from all sides and three lawsuits filed against them, the Government Accountability Board agreed the new rules should not be enforced.  Here is the story from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: State agrees to drop new campaign ad rules There is a tremendous lesson here.  While we won this battle, the war is never over.  Considering how blatantly unconstitutional the new rules were, it is noteworthy that they were constructed by a group of retired judges.  When judges make rules like these, is it any wonder we have a constitutional crisis on our hands?  We can never let our guard down, and must continue to educate everyone we come in contact with regarding issues like this.  Since they had the audacity to even bring this up, rest assured we will see this again sometime in the future. Here is a message from State Senator Glenn Grothman thanking the TEA Party Groups, Wisconsin Right To Life, and others for defending the First Amendment : GAB Drops Gag Rule 1.28 8-10-10

Free Speech Under Attack By The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board

The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board delivered new rules in the middle of the night in an attempt to silence free speech.  Vicki McKenna was talking about this on her show yesterday.  Below are the segments of her show where she talks about this with constitutional attorney Jim Troupis.  A law suit has already been filed with both conservative and liberal groups joining together.  Here is the JS Online story: What are they hiding? Vicki McKenna Show August 4th Hour 1 Part 1 Vicki McKenna Show August 4th Hour 1 Part 2 Here is the link to the new GAB rules.  Take a look at GAB 1.28…A VIOLATION OF FREE SPEECH! GAB Rules Effective Aug 15, 2010

Gary Mienert At The State Capitol August 12

Gary Mienert has spent the last 5 years documenting the situation on Arizona’s southern border with Mexico in the Nogales sector of Arizona.  He will be giving his presentation about the border and illegal immigration / human smuggling in Madison, Wisconsin at the state capitol building at 12 noon in room 411-south on August 12, 2010. Gary spoke with Vicki McKenna on her talk radio show on radio 1130 WISN this morning.  Vicki McKenna – Gary Meinert Interview Podcast Here is our brief interview with Gary before he gave his presentation to us. [youtube=]

Support From The Wisconsin 9/12 Group – Standing For The 1st Amendment

Here is an email I received from Kirsten Lombard of the Wisconsin 9/12 Project In Madison.  We thank them for their support and applaud them for their courage and understanding of this issue.  We may have differences on some issues, but this is a principle everyone in our movement should understand! FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS: The Wisconsin 9/12 Project Stands with the Rock River Patriots Dan, I find Mr. Belling’s refusal simply to issue a correction more than regrettable. I’m also bothered by his assumption that local grassroots groups do not have a right to inform the voters about what they find in relationship to candidate vetting. You’re precisely right in pointing out to Mr. Belling that he is advocating–or at least indicating his preference for–a curtailment of your 1st Amendment rights. I wonder how he’d like it if someone told him that as a radio host, he should only speak about certain things in sanctioned ways. That day may be closer than he thinks, so perhaps we’ll find out. In any event, when followed to its natural conclusion, Mr. Belling’s argument shakes out thus: As a radio host with a bully pulpit, he has the right to say whatever he…