Tag: fiscal sanity

Rock River Patriots Meeting Friday December 14th

An early Merry Christmas to all. The Rock River Patriots will be having a meeting this Friday December 14th at 6pm in Fort Atkinson at the Dwight Foster Library located at 209 Merchants Avenue. This is the only meeting we will have in December.  At this meeting we will discuss current events and initiatives.  We will discuss the spring elections and more.  We have a lot of information to cover at this meeting and have at least one featured guest. We should have the DVD from Oconomowoc featuring Beverly Eakman talking about the playbook of the left and countering group manipulation. Those who are looking to get involved should consider running for school board.  We would like to see several Patriots on the ballot for each of the school districts in Jefferson County.  Remember, half of your taxes go to your local school district, so you have a vested interest in fiscal responsibility.  The deadline for filing is January 2nd.

Vote For The Taxpayers On April 3rd!!!

Vote for the taxpayers on April 3rd!!! The time has come once again to draw your line in the sand.  Will you stand with the taxpayers of your state and county or will you stand with those in the special interest “mob”?  Will you stand with those who believe in fiscal sanity or unlimited government spending?  Will you stand with those who believe in the rule of law or will you stand with the government worker mob who gladly stand in solidarity with communists and socialists? It is your time to choose.  I encourage you to vote for responsibility and fiscal sanity in government.  An “litmus-test” question to ask is whether or not the candidates on your ballot signed a recall petition.  That gives a reasonable indication of where their loyalties lie. You can look up candidates by name at: www.iverifytherecall.com