Town Hall Meeting Schedule for Congressional Reps

If you are interested in attending any town hall meetings by your congressional representative, go to the Americans For Prosperity – WI link on this page to see the schedule.

The Healthcare Bill

Here is a link to all of the items hidden in the health care bill. If this bill passes, say goodbye to your freedoms. Hidden Items in the Healthcare Bill Here is what one of the elected representatives thinks about reading the bill he is going to vote on: [youtube=]

Paul Ryan on MSNBC Regarding Healthcare Debate

Make sure you watch this until the end…Rep. Ryan doesn’t let the liberal reporters get away with their flawed logic. [youtube=]

Contact Your Legislator Regarding Healthcare

The truth is that any government health care solution is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!  The Constitution mandates no such “right”. Here is a health care solution you can copy/paste and send to your legislator: The number of uninsured (estimated to be 45 million) is grossly overinflated.  Much of that number is illegal immigrants, people who qualify under existing gov’t programs for care, and those who can afford to get insurance, but do not because they don’t want to spend the money. Here is the solution to health care: No health benefits for illegal immigrants. Institute reforms to the civil litigation system to prevent frivolous law suits against doctors for malpractice. Allow for a free market system solution not another insurance system. Insurance coverage should only be for catastrophic illness/injuries. Utilize Medical Savings Accounts for the individual that goes with them if they change jobs. The amount paid for premiums by employers/employees can go into this account, as well as a portion of a persons Social Security and Medicare withholding. Make doctors offices, clinics,labs, and hospitals publish the costs for each and every procedure, etc…  Then people can shop around for their health care, and not have an insurance company tell them what they…

Taxes on the Rise – Change We Can’t Afford

The budget for The School District of Fort Atkinson includes a tax levy increase of 4.85%.   While they don’t have the exact figures on how much it will affect homeowners, look for a tax increase.  Based on my current school district tax levy, a 4.85% increase will amount to a $122 per year tax increase. Daily Union Story The Jefferson County tax levy increase, even WITHOUT PASSING the referendum, is 8.41%.  Based on my current county taxes, a 8.41% increase will amount to a $108 per year tax increase.  If the referendum passes  (proposing a total tax increase of 16.56%),  my county taxes will increase over $213 per year. Daily Union Story on County Budget This is outrageous!  We spent 1 year contracting and building our home.  We literally put our blood, sweat, and tears into it.  We moved into a small 2 bedroom apartment during the building process.  There were sacrifices upon sacrifices to obtain a part of the American Dream.  Now, if this out of control taxation continues, we will be taxed out of the very home we built. We need to take back our goverment!  This is change we can’t afford!

The Danger Of Nationalized Healthcare

[youtube=] [youtube=] [youtube=]

Greenville WI Tea Party – July 19th

This is one of the few articles and coverage regarding ths event.  The story indicates there were only 1000 in attendance.  However, according to Fox Valley Initiative’s web site, the estimated crowd was about 2500.  I was in attendance along with another fellow patriot and can attest to the crowd.  It was a great event! Greenville WI Tea Party Article

Thank You

Thank you to all who visited our booth at the Jefferson County Fair.  To all who have signed up to be notified about events/news/meetings, we have not forgotten about you.  We will be contacting you all with our next meeting date soon.

Jefferson County Fair

Rock River Patriots have a booth at the Jefferson County Fair July 8th – 12th. Come and see us!