Tammy Baldwin Heard From The Angry Mob!

On Saturday September 26th, Rep. Tammy Baldwin held two town hall meetings in Beloit and Lake Mills.  The estimated attendance at Beloit was about 50 people and at Lake Mills about 80 people.  Many of the Rock River Patriots attended the Lake Mills town hall, as did many other concerned citizens. I was at the Lake Mills town hall from about 1:30 – 3:30pm with many other Patriots.  I left while the meeting was still going.  While at the town hall, out of all those who spoke, I heard only two people that were for government run health care.  Everyone else was against it.  Many spoke about the lack of transparency in this administration, voiced their disgust about Rep. Baldwin’s vote against the bill to de-fund ACORN, spoke about how bad the Cap and Trade (Tax) bill would be for Wisconsin, and spoke out against Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants.   Much of the town hall meeting and the comments were video taped.  Above are some videos of the Angry Mob! This is what Kirsten Lombard from the Wisconsin 9/12 Project wrote about attending the Lake Mills meeting: Tammy had a few supporters there.  But most of the folks there were much…

Tammy Baldwin Listening Sessions Saturday September 26th in Beloit and Lake Mills

Tammy Baldwin is having two listening sessions on Saturday Sept. 26.  We need to make our presence known at both!  Tell as many people as you can! The first one is at 10:00am in Beloit at the Public Library.  Here is the link info about that event: Tammy Baldwin Beloit Listening Session The second is in Lake Mills at the Municipal Building at 1:30pm.  Here is the link for info about that event: Tammy Baldwin Lake Mills Listening Session Let’s all tell go and tell Tammy we don’t want government run health care or cap and trade! Just a reminder the Rock River Patriots meeting will be held on Friday September 25, 2009 at Kendall Packaging 707 N. Parkway Street in Jefferson.  The meeting starts at 6pm.

Barak Obama – The Neville Chamberlain of Our Time?

Neville Chamberlain was the appeasing Prime Minister of the UK from 1937 to 1940.  Chamberlain appeased Hitler with the Munich Agreement in 1938, conceding Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland, an area of immense strategic importance, to the Nazis.  The ink was barley dry on the agreement before Hitler broke it and continued with his ambitions. On September 24, 2009 Obama will preside over a session of the UN Security Counsel.  Obama set the agenda, and took off the table a discussion about Iran’s pursuit of a nuclear bomb.  Is that not appeasement when the discussion is supposed to be about nuclear non-proliferation? We all know the UN is a corrupt organization that is loaded with despots from all over the world.  We also know the UN is a group that does nothing more than talk “tough” and pass meaningless resolutions.  Now with President Obama, even the “tough talk” is gone.  That leads us to the ultimate question.  If even the “talking tough” game is gone for the UN, what is there really left for them to do? Here is a link to the story: The World is Watching You, Mr. President

Constitution Day Celebration Draws Estimated 15,000 People

Congratulations to Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty and Americans For Prosperity – Wisconsin for such a great event!  It was motivating and encouraging to hear the speeches and see the crowd.  Make no mistake about it, we are NO LONGER the silent majority!  We proved it on Saturday. There were a handful of counter-protesters.  As is typical, the liberal media gives these couple of people almost equal time.  This is another example of their bias.  Why not talk with the other thousands who were there? Here is a link to the Americans for Prosperity – Wisconsin site that has all the stories and video: www.fightbackwisconsin.com. Check the Constitution Day Celebration Tab for videos of the speeches.

Light Rail In Jeffeson County? Say It Isn’t So!

This is why we need to remain vigilant!  Even though the referendum has been voted down, look at what they are up to in county government now. Look at the County Board Minutes in the Jefferson Daily Union on September 16, 2009.  In County Board Chairperson Sharon Schmeling’s report, she stated county government is supporting efforts to have a passenger rail line link Milwaukee, Watertown, and Madison. I spoke with Chairperson Schmeling about this matter.  She replied to me that she should have been clearer in her report.  Ms. Schmeling said it is the Economic Development Consortium that supports this, and not county government.  I advised her that the report should be corrected.  According to Ms. Schmeling, the Consortium supports this because of possibility that businesses could “piggy-back” on upgraded rail lines to move their products.  I replied that this is a short sighted view and makes no sense given the ENORMOUS cost to taxpayers.  Businesses can truck their goods where they need to go, or use existing rail lines.  It is not the job of the taxpayers to pay for anything and everything that will help a hand-full of  businesses. As most of you know, light rail is a…

9/25 Rock River Patriots Meeting

The next meeting of the Rock River Patriots will be on Sept. 25 at 6pm in Jefferson at Kendall Packaging 707 N. Parkway Street.  Hope to see everyone there!

More ACORN Corruption


Jefferson County Tax Referendum Voted Down!

Congratulations to all you conservative minded people! This is a win for the people of Jefferson County! You did not buy into the FEAR perpetuated by the people who wanted to raise your taxes 16.56%.  You see that all levels of government are out of control spending OUR money.  You believe the private sector can do a better job than government.  You realize as Ronald Reagan said, “Government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem.” However, remember the fight is not over.  They still are going to raise taxes over 8%, and probably more in the future.  We need them to see that it is their duty to cut taxes! Now, maybe the county board members who voted for this budget should be voted out when they are up for reelection .  That would mean a lot of change, because only three of the supervisors voted against it.  We need to remain vigilant! Here is the link to the Jefferson County Daily Union Article: County rejects tax levy hike