Tag: The Rock River Patriots

Rock River Patriots Meeting Friday December 10th

The Rock River Patriots will be having a meeting Friday December 10th in Jefferson at 6:00pm in the conference room at Kendall Packaging.  Kendall Packaging is located at 707 N. Parkway Street. This will be our only meeting in December, so you don’t want to miss it.  At this meeting will discuss current issues / events and we will welcome back two very knowledgeable friends to teach us how to be effective “citizen lobbyists.” Hope to see you all there!

Another Reason to END THE FED!

Fed aid in financial crisis went beyond U.S. banks to industry, foreign firms Fed reveals global extent of its backing European banks took big slice of Fed aid

Lord Christopher Monckton On The UN Climate Summit In Cancun Mexico

Many of you have heard of Lord Christopher Monckton, the British Lord who has continually exposed the global climate change fraud.  Listen as Lord Monckton talks with Alex Jones about the global government agenda hidden within the UN Climate Change Summit’s prospective “Treaty” or “Accords.” The Rock River Patriots have talked repeatedly about the how sustainable development ties directly back into UN Agenda 21 citing the fantastic work in part by Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates.  The building blocks for much of this agenda is accomplished at these meetings. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8QrH3-xoyI] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opGzdaYDxso]

From The National Inflation Association – Sarah Palin Food Inflation Controversy

Here is the link: Sarah Palin Food Inflation Controversy Food prices are out of control. Here is an excerpt from NIA’s story: The U.S. government is currently printing money just to survive. The Federal Reserve has held the Fed Funds Rate at 0-0.25% for nearly two years and just announced that it will be printing an additional $600 billion in new U.S. dollars by the end of June 2011. Since the beginning of September until now, just in anticipation of the Fed’s upcoming quantitative easing, we have experienced the largest ever short-term increase in the history of agricultural commodity prices with corn rising by 32%, soybeans rising by 32%, orange juice rising by 12%, coffee rising by 19%, and sugar rising by 66%. These agricultural commodity price increases will begin to work their way into grocery stores nationwide in the weeks and months ahead, as food manufacturers and retailers are forced to raise their prices.

UN Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development Presentation In Janesville

If you haven’t heard about Sustainable Development and its relationship to UN Agenda 21, I encourage you to attend this presentation.  Join us in Janesville at Basics Co-Op – 1711 Lodge Drive on Monday November 8th at 6pm. UN Agenda 21 is a global systematic infringement on individual liberty.  These policies are being implemented at all levels of government and the globalists are not hiding what they are doing. In order to fight for freedom and liberty, you must know “your enemy”.  Learn the language and the system being used to rob you and your children of their future.    


The Wisconsin Patriot Coalition is hosting a “Get Out The Vote Rally” at State Fair Park on Saturday October 30th.  One of the ACORN whistle blowers, Anita Moncrief, will be speaking at the rally.  Here is the flyer: Patriot Coalition – Get Out The Vote This is the newspaper ad for our local “Get Out The Vote Effort”: Vote November 2nd