Tag: Rock River Patriots Events

Ron Johnson Candidate Forum Videos – June 2010

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA_CfDLwg7Q] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyTCHZbuKhY] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HY5Pym3mXQ] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Azve9s3qw6Y] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btCOJuAmyBk] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_Rl14reULM]

U.S. Senate Candidate Ron Johnson at Rock River Patriots Meeting This Friday June 11th

This Friday June 11th, the Rock River Patriots will be having a meeting in Jefferson at Kendall Packaging at 6pm.  Kendall Packaging is located at 707 N. Parkway Street in Jefferson. We will have a brief event meeting and then have a candidate forum with U.S. Senate Candidate Ron Johnson.  Since Ron has just recently entered into the U.S. Senate race this will be a good opportunity to get to know who he is and what he stands for. Come with your questions.  If we have missed anything during our Q & A that you would like answered, we will have an opportunity for you to ask those questions.

January Candidate Forums

Happy New Year!  Let’s all pray this is the year we take back our country from the Marxists, Socialists, and Liberals! The Rock River Patriots will be having our first series of conservative candidate forums January 8th and 22nd at 6pm at Kendall Packaging in Jefferson. Kendall Packaging is located at 707 N. Parkway Street. The candidates running against Russ Feingold will be attending the January 8th forum. As of now, Dave Westlake (Republican) and Rob Taylor (Constitution Party) will be attending. The candidates running for Tammy Baldwin’s seat will be attending the January 22nd forum. As of now, Tim Nerenz (Libertarian) and Peter Theron (Republican) will be attending. We will have candidates running for local races at each date as well including Rick Richard running for State Senate – District 15, and Vicki Milbrath running for State Assembly – District 37. We want to have ample time to question each candidate. Think of any questions you would like to ask and bring them with you. We will try to have an open question and answer session also. The format will be as follows: Each candidate will be allowed to give an opening statement around 5 minutes long explaining their…

Rock River Patriots Meeting / Olympia Resort Christmas With The Candidates

The next meeting of the Rock River Patriots will be on Friday Dec. 11th starting at 6pm at Kendall Packaging in Jefferson located at 707 N. Parkway St.  We will talk about some current issues and things to watch out for including the codex alimentarius (a way for the gov’t to regulate vitamins and minerals). We are planning on having a conservative candidate forum at one of our January meetings where we can “grill” the conservative candidates about their beliefs, etc…Groups in the area please let me know if you would be interested in attending. Please look at the information about the Olympia Resort Event on Dec 12th : Christmas with the Candidates .  This will be a great time to get to know the candidates and other patriots a little better.  I encourage everyone to attend and make this event a success.  Here is the Registration Form for the Christmas party.

Rock River Patriots Events Reminder

Reminder: At our October 23 meeting, former WI Supreme Court Candidate Judge Randy Koschnick will talk about the Constitution and answer any questions people have. The meeting is located at Kendall Packaging, 707 N. Parkway Street in Jefferson and starts at 6pm. Reminder: On October 27 at 7pm the Jefferson County Board will hear from the public about the budget.  I encourage as many as possible to attend and tell the supervisors to cut more fat out of the budget excluding the essential services (law enforcement/EMS, and Road Maintenance).  They are still proposing a tax increase of about 3.6% when they can cut in other areas.  They could cut the spending on the county parks ($749,000 to cut the grass) and close down the courthouse for one day a week to save money.  Tell them you want Countyside Nursing Home sold, not a Co-Op!  The level of care will not be reduced! Reminder: Watertown area residents check out this link regarding the school board meeting on October 26th and the proposed tax increase.  You need to get there to fight against the proposed 14% tax increase by the school district because WEAC will be there pushing for the tax increase. …