Rock River Patriots Meeting Friday August 10th

Hello Patriots,

The Rock River Patriots are pleased to announce we are having a meeting this Friday, August 10th in Fort Atkinson at the Dwight Foster Library in the community room.  The meeting will begin at 6pm.  At this meeting we will discuss current events and initiatives.  The Dwight Foster Library is located at 209 Merchants Avenue in Fort Atkinson.

We welcome “Mobocracy” author and speaker, Dr. Jake Jacobs to present important and timely information to us.

Here is Dr. Jacob’s Bio:

Dr. Jacobs is president and founder of the Politically Incorrect Institute and has degrees in American History and Biblical and Judeo-Christian Studies from Arizona State University, Ashland Theological Seminary and North-West University. He has spent more than 25 years it at the public school and college level teaching history and his passion for our Constitutional Republic under God, all the while stressing historical correctness, in the face of politically correct intimidation by the academic establishment.

Jake considers himself a “Radical” in the original sense of the word where the Latin radicalis means “of roots” and connotes the necessity of studying the roots of any given topic to ascertain it’s historical context vs. today’s emphasis on political correctness. Whether it is the Hebraic-Jewish Roots of Christianity or the Judeo-Christian Roots of Early American History, Jake’s passion is to explain and educate his audiences on those important roots for America today!

Jake is known throughout the Public Education field as a Politically Incorrect Instructor and “Fighter of the NEA.”  Ostracized by colleagues, ridiculed by citizens in the press, and maligned by many, Jake practices what he speaks, preaches on, and is consistent with his conservative convictions.

Author: rockriverpatriots