July 4th Tea Party

The July 4th Tea Party was great! Approximately 200 people showed up to hear motivating conservative patriotic speeches and  hear about the Doyle Recall effort.  Anyone interested in becoming part of the Rock River Patriots, please email: rockriverpatriots@hotmail.com Jefferson County Daily Union Story – July 4th Tea Party Journal Sentinel Article On July 4th Tea Parties

Doyle Recall Rally

Today at 7pm there will be a Gov. Jim Doyle Recall Rally at Olympia Resort and Conference Center in Oconomowoc, WI.  On July 4th from 1-4pm we will be hosting a Tea Party at Ralph Park in Fort Atkinson.  If you think the taxation we’re facing is out of control, please join us!

Hello world!

Hello!  The Rock River Patriots are a grass-roots group of conservatives in the Jefferson County WI area that believe in: a limited constitutional government, a sound U.S. Dollar, free markets, maintaining personal liberties, and a logical foreign policy.