This is a must watch Candidate Forum hosted by which gives a good overall view of the candidates.  The two liberal candidates, Judge Janet Protasiewicz and Judge Everett Mitchell, can be fast forwarded thru if you are short on time.

In our view, for the conservative side of the aisle, and any pro freedom minded person, it really shows the difference between former Justice Dan Kelley, and Judge Jennifer Dorow.  Jennifer is no doubt a very nice person.  The Patriots had an opportunity to meet and speak with her last month at our meeting.  However, as this debate shows, she is not ready for the big leagues.  Much of her responses, if not all, were read from a binder sitting on the table in front of her.  Dan Kelly, however, demonstrates his deep knowledge and abilities in this forum.  He is clearly the legal scholar in the room.  Decide for yourself…Watch below:

Author: rockriverpatriots