Category: Federal Issues

Obama and the INTERPOL Executive Order

According to the NRA, Obama’s  executive order regarding INTERPOL is nothing to worry about. Read what the NRA says about the INTERPOL Rumors. Here is what Glenn Beck had to say about Obama’s executive Order on his show: Obama’s Executive Order. If this is nothing to worry about as the NRA says, then we all need to wonder WHY?  WHY do it now? WHY by executive order? WHY no publicity about it?  WHY? WHY? WHY? Everything the Obama administration does is purposeful and political.  That is the nature of the “Chicago Machine” and “Chicago-Style” politics that Obama, David Axelrod, and Rahm Emmanuel have brought into the White House. We need to continue to be skeptical and fearful of all that government does, no matter the party that is in charge.  As George Washington said, “Government is not reason. Government is not eloquence. It is force. And, like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

January 8th Candidate Forum A Success!

The first in a series of conservative candidate forums was a success! The local cable channel in Jefferson came and recorded the event.  It will be aired on JPEG-TV channels 96 & 987 in the near future.  DVD copies of the event will be available for purchase from JPEG-TV.  Please email them at or call 920-674-7700.  We will attempt to post excerpts of the event soon. We extend a special thanks to each of the candidates who participated in our forum: Rob Taylor, Dave Westlake, and Rick Richard.  Thank you to all the patriots who attended .  We appreciate your interest and look forward to seeing you at our next event.  A special thanks goes out to Kendall Packaging for their hospitality, and allowing us to use their conference room for the event. On January 22nd, we will be having the second of our conservative candidate forums featuring candidates running against Tammy Baldwin including Tim Nerenz, Chad Lee, and Peter Theron.  The forum will begin at 6pm at Kendall Packaging in Jefferson located at 707 N. Parkway Street. We hope to see you there!

Let’s Amend The State Constitution To Stop This Out Of Control Federal Government

Here is the way Wisconsin can prevent the Federal Government from forcing the UNCONSTITUTIONAL Health Care bill on us: We amend the Wisconsin State Constitution!  Special thanks to the Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty for all their hard work on this important issue. It is time to answer your call to action!  Print out this flyer and give it to everyone you know!  Call your state representatives and tell them to support 2009 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION (LRB-3861/1)! WISCONSIN_Amendment_Flyer_II


The Unconstitutional health care bill will likely be voted on by Christmas.  Here is the story from the LA Times: Senate Democrats get 60 votes to move healthcare bill along If this bill passes, it is time for all the conservatives groups to bring forward a class action law suit against this bill because it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!! Furthermore, the time is now for States to assert their 10th Amendment Sovereignty! Make no mistake about this bill…It is really not about health care reform, it is about control.  Look at the quote from the linked LA Times story: “This is a historic crossroads,” David Axelrod, senior Obama advisor, said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Seven presidents have tried to pass comprehensive health insurance reform, seven presidents have failed. We’re on the doorstep of getting it done.” Did you notice he said “health insurance reform” not “health care reform”.  A CHANGE IN LANGUAGE IS A CHANGE IN REALITY!!! The reason they use this language is because they know this bill is not about health care.  It is about health insurance.  This bill will actually reduce the level of care, lead to rationing, increase the cost of insurance to all Americans, and…

It’s Time For The Conservatives In The Senate To Fight

Here is a link to a blog that lists some of the ways the “conservative” senators can block the passage of the bad bills that are on the way to be signed into law.  This can work if the Republicans don’t act like RINOs. It is worth reading: CONSERVATIVES FIGHT!!!

Time To Pull Out Of The UN – Our 2nd Amendment In Danger

This is why we need to be vigilant and not allow the globalists to be in power.  We should pull out of the UN and send them all packing out of New York City.  This is their anti-gun agenda: [youtube=] Don’t allow the Senate to ratify any UN gun treaty! Call and tell them “NO!”  If they violate our Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms, I predict that there will be civil war in America.  No freedom loving American will turn in their guns because of a UN Treaty.  As Charlton Heston said so gracefully, “From my cold, dead hands!” Read this article: Chuck Baldwin — Is Obama Really Preparing For Civil War? Tell me…Is all this is being planned in anticipation of the fact that Obama will sign on to a UN anti-gun treaty and it will be ratified by the Senate?  It makes me wonder considering all that this administration is doing already.

Obama Stimulus Scam – A Call For An Investigation

Here is another example of why the Founding Fathers believed in limited Federal Government power.  There is wide spread fraud from the stimulus plan with money going to non-existent Congressional Districts, and inflated claims regarding job creation.  States can track things better because they are smaller entities. Here are links to a couple stories: Exclusive: Jobs ‘Saved or Created’ in Congressional Districts That Don’t Exist, 75,343 Bogus jobs ‘created or saved’ by the Stimulus The true question is where did all the money go?  This is a major scandal and requires a serious investigation.  Many of these claims come directly from the White House’s website.  It will be interesting to see how far up the food chain this goes, and if a true inquiry will even be made.  It is time to send the people responsible for this fraud on the American People to prison. This is why we don’t trust our government.  Stories about militia groups are popping up all across this country.  I think this is one of the many reasons why.

Here Is How We Take Back Our Government – The 10th Amendment

With the passage of the terrible health care bill by Congress, the time to stop the over-reaching Federal Government is now!  States need to assert their 10th Amendment rights.  Here is a great article from the Campaign for Liberty’s website: Gun Rights and States Rights I hope all State governments have the courage to do what is right.  It may mean deep spending cuts and the elimination of non-essential programs, but it will benefit everyone in the future.  

Obama Coming To J.C. Wright Middle School Nov. 4th

“Comrade” Obama will be in Madison at J.C. Wright Middle School in Madison (1717 Fish Hatchery Road, Madison, WI 53713) on November 4th to talk about indoctrinating…oops…I mean “educating” our kids.  No times have been listed as of yet. What is interesting is that this visit is closed to the public.  Only invited guests will be allowed in.  So much for transparency.  We can only hope that at least some of the parents voice their displeasure.  This is another example of their propaganda machine using “the children”. Maybe some of the loyal opposition can make it there to show our displeasure! Here is a link to the story: Obama Coming To Madison