Call Your Senator To Say “NO!!!” To Elena Kagen On The U.S. Supreme Court

Aside from the fact the Elena Kagen has no experience as a judge, there is another reason why Elena Kagen is dangerous to put on the U.S. Supreme Court.  During her confirmation hearing for solicitor general look at what she had to say about people SUSPECTED of financing terrorist groups:

(From The New York Times)

During her confirmation hearing…Elena Kagan, the nominee for solicitor general, said that someone suspected of helping finance Al Qaeda should be subject to battlefield law — indefinite detention without a trial — even if he were captured in a place like the Philippines rather than in a physical battle zone.

So we should indefinitely detain someone SUSPECTED of writing a check to a “terrorist” group?  We need to be very concerned!

Remember, the government is trying to redefine who the terrorists are.  The MIAC report lists TEA Party and 2nd Amendment Groups, Ron Paul supporters, and returning veterans as potential domestic terrorists.

This is dangerous territory.  Could you wake up someday in jail without a trial for writing a check to a TEA Party / Patriot Group which the government now says are terrorists?

Author: rockriverpatriots