Contact your legislators in support the upcoming right to work bill as well as being repeal of the 48 hour waiting period for handgun purchases.
Right to work is all about personal freedom. An individual should not have to be forced into joining a union just because of their chosen career field is one dominated by unions. The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, February 24th. Invited speakers will go first (likely taking up first 2-3 hours) then the public will have the opportunity to testify. RTW hearing, February 24th, 10:00 am in Room 411 South of the State Capitol (Senate’s Labor Committee).
Senate Bill 35 and Assembly Bill 49 – Repealing the 48 hour waiting period on handgun purchases only makes sense. A buyer has a background check completed as part of the purchasing process . The other thing to recognize is that the 48 hour waiting period does not apply to long guns. If a person is determined to do harm to someone else using a gun, it is very easy for them to obtain a long gun without the 48 hour waiting period. Finally, as we always need to mention, criminals do not obey the law anyway. These measures simply infringe on the law abiding citizens natural right of self-defense.
On Saturday, February 21st, Rep. Robin Vos spoke about Common Core at the Racine County GOP caucus. He said: “Common Core isn’t bad and it’s just a bunch of goals everybody would agree with.”
(also email Rep. Vos at
Governor Scott Walker – (608) 266-1212
(also email Governor Walker at
You can use a message similar to the following:
“I understand that, over the weekend, Rep. Robin Vos said that Common Core is ‘just a bunch of goals everyone would agree with’. Well, I DON’T AGREE WITH COMMON CORE. Its goals are to standardize education in America in a way that demoralizes teachers, removes local control of schools from parents and taxpayers, disrespects differences among students, and profits big education corporations. We can’t afford this. The cost to us in terms of dollar, our children’s future, and academic freedom is just too high. Why won’t Rep. Vos join Governor Walker and push for a COMPLETE REPEAL of Common Core?”