Tag: Fomenting Hatred

Farrakhan green-lights violence, calls for racial holy war at massive rally

I thought Louis Farrakhan was a practitioner of the “religion of peace”…Maybe the religion of peace is not so peaceful.  Coming to a city near you…be prepared! Here is the link: http://topconservativenews.com/2014/11/farrakhan-green-lights-violence-calls-for-racial-holy-war-at-massive-rally/ by Kyle Rogers On November 22nd, 2014, the Nation of Islam [NOI]  turned Morgan State University [MSU] into a rally for racial holy war. MSU is a black college in Maryland chaired by black power activist, and former head of the NAACP, Kweisi Mfume. It has 8,000 students. The event was called the Black United Summit International Conference. The event was organized by the NOI and sponsored by the MSU Student Government. NOI leader Louis Farrakhan was the keynote speaker. Several other leaders of the NOI also spoke. Over 2,000 people attended and heard NOI leader Louis Farrakhan deliver a violent speech calling for race war. Most were extremely enthusiastic about the message. The student president, student vice president, and leaders of many other student organizations and fraternities were all in attendance. Numerous members of the MSU faculty attended. Also present was Maryland State Representative Jill Carter. Other speakers include Marshall Eddie Conway, a former Black Panther leader who spent 44 years in prison. Pam Africa, a former member of the notoriously violent…